Japanese / English

HEXADRIVE Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has established this Derivative Work Guideline (hereinafter referred to as "this Guideline") to help more people enjoy our games and apps (hereinafter referred to as "the Content") and to encourage creative works based on the Content.

The Company will not assert copyright, moral rights, or other intellectual property rights against (i) "individuals or unincorporated groups" who (ii) use the Content for "non-commercial purposes" to create (iii) "derivative works" (e.g., doujinshi (fanzine), fan-made merchandise) and (iv) use them in an "appropriate manner" such as producing, exhibiting, or distributing them. However, compliance with this guideline is required when using derivative works.

This guideline applies specifically to the creation of new content inspired by the Content. If you post or stream the Content on social media or video-sharing platforms without alteration, the HEXADRIVE Image and Video Posting Guideline ( applies instead.

Additionally, specific derivative work guidelines may exist for certain game titles. In such cases, those specific guidelines prevail, and users must comply with them.

Definitions of Terms in This Guideline

1."Individuals or Unincorporated Groups"

This guideline applies only to individuals and unincorporated groups, such as voluntary associations or circles. This does not apply to corporations or incorporated entities (e.g., corporations, companies, limited liability companies, associations or foundations, hereinafter referred to as "corporations or incorporated entities") or to activities conducted by individuals or groups as part of their business operations.

If a corporation or incorporated entity wishes to engage in derivative creative activities, or if derivative creative activities exceed the scope of this guideline, please contact the Company for prior approval.

2."Non-Commercial Purposes"

"Non-commercial purposes" refers to creating and using derivative works without the intent to earn profit or receive compensation.

However, recovering costs directly related to production, such as material or printing expenses, falls within the scope of "non-commercial purposes." Similarly, commissioning or outsourcing parts of the creative process for compensation is also allowed, as long as the use complies with the conditions specified in section 4.

3."Derivative Works"

"Derivative works" are defined as creative works where the creator adds new originality to the Content. This originality should reflect the creator's individual expression in the resulting work.

Simply copying, tracing, or reproducing the Content (or performing similar acts) without adding originality does not constitute a "derivative work."

Using the Content without adding creative elements is not considered the creation of derivative work and thus cannot be permitted under this guideline. However, activities like adding comments, decorations, or adapting the Content into videos may fall under the HEXADRIVE Image and Video Posting Guidelines; please refer to those guidelines for further details.

4. "Using Derivative Works in an Appropriate Manner"

Permissible uses of derivative works under this guideline include:

Creating, exhibiting, and distributing illustrations, doujinshi (fanzine), manga, novels (including electronic formats), and posting them on social media or websites.

Creating, exhibiting, and distributing three-dimensional works, such as figures or garage kits.

Designing, exhibiting, and distributing cosplay costumes and accessories based on characters, as well as publishing or distributing cosplay photos and videos.

When using derivative works, please ensure they are derived from the Content. Although strict copyright notice like "© HEXADRIVE Inc." is not required, please take measures such as adding the game title in the derivative works to clarify that the work is not entirely original and is based on the Content created by the Company.

Prohibited Uses

The following uses of derivative works are prohibited:

Content that offends, attacks, or discriminates against others.

Content that infringes on or is likely to infringe upon others' rights.

Use in connection with religious, political, or anti-social activities.

Content that damages the reputation of the Content.

Misrepresentation of the Content or its management as official or as the official product of the Content.

Content that violates public order, morals, or local laws.

Any other uses deemed inappropriate by the Company.

Additional Information

The Company reserves the right to modify this guideline at any time without prior notice. Changes will take effect immediately, so please review the latest version before engaging in any activity.

The Company shall not be liable for any damage resulting from changes to this guideline or derivative creative activities.

If any derivative work adversely affects the Company's reputation or that of its affiliates, the Company and its affiliates reserve the right to pursue liability.

This guideline may be terminated without notice.

Established: April 1, 2023

Revised: February 1, 2025

